WEA and NEA dues allocation

2020-21 WEA membership dues structure based on the WEA budget as of Jan 31, 2021 (this data is updated from the previous report which was based on the WEA budget as of Sept 1, 2020)

2020-21 WEA Dues Dollars

Cert ESP Higher Ed
UniServ Council Funding: Direct Financial Assistance to UniServ Councils.  $131.09 $110.57 $113.71
Operations (accounting, technology, human resources, facilities): Providing financial and membership management that ensures sound fiscal stewardship, human resource system to advance the work of the association, facilities operation that produces a clean and safe environment, and information technology tools that help leaders and staff communicate and work productively.  $106.65 $89.96 $92.51
Professional & Leadership Development: Providing assistance to members, councils, local associations and individual schools in developing and implementing strategies for member and school improvement through effective and best educational practices. $75.08 $63.33 $65.12
Bargaining, Grievance, & Legal Protection: Assisting affiliates by providing UniServ Staffing Program, legal resources, communication expertise, training tools and packages, and technical support to members.  $70.26 $59.26 $60.95
Political Action / Legislative Work: Building visible and lasting bipartisan support from opinion leaders and policy makers for public education and the needs of our members. Includes related communication costs, litigation, and community outreach work.  $61.99 $52.29 $53.77

Membership Organizing & Involvement: Support the future sustainability of WEA by advocating the value of membership as well as to engage, recruit, and retain leaders and members of WEA through systematic one-on-one organizing.




Governance: Implementing a governance process that fosters member participation and democratic decision-making through the Representative Assembly, Board of Directors, Executive Committee and other member/staff involvement in policy development.  $39.41 $33.24 $34.18
Contingency & Surplus $5.96 $5.03 $5.17
Total Annual WEA Dues, Full Time Cert and ESP with Wages of $47K+: $543 /  $458. Total WEA dues for Full-time Active Certificated membership are $531 plus community outreach special assessment of $12 = $543 for FY20-21. Education Support Professional (ESP) membership dues for ESPs with wages of $47K+ are $446 plus community outreach of $12 = $458 for FY20-21. Higher Ed Member dues are $13, or about 3% more than ESP dues, and so the breakdown of Higher Ed dues is similar to that of ESPs, above.


2020-21 NEA membership dues structure

Cert ESP
Develop and sustain effective structures, processes, and leaders to increase educator influence in decision-making at worksite, district, state, and national levels. $5.11 $3.10
Identify, recruit, support, and engage new educators in our association, and connect them with opportunities for professional learning, leadership, and advocacy. $4.63 $2.81
Support members in advancing racial justice in education and improving conditions for students, families, and communities through awareness, capacity-building, partnership, and individual and collective action. $7.47 $4.54
Build a system of association-convened, educator-led professional learning and supports for all educators across their career continua to ensure student success. $12.96 $7.87
Use all available means, including organizing, legal, legislative, electoral, and collective action, to secure the environment necessary to protect the rights of students and educators, and the future of public education. $23.94 $14.55
Implement advocacy programs for members including the Unified Legal Services Program, Fidelity Bond, Association Professional Liability insurance, and a 1 million dollar per member Educators Employment Liability insurance program. $19.09 $11.60
Develop and leverage the collective organizational capacity across our association that is necessary to advance the mission of the NEA and its affiliates, with particular focus on organizing, technology, fiscal health, leadership development, and internal and external partnerships. $70.17 $42.63
Ongoing functions across the enterprise that support the strategic objectives, build lasting strength, and sustain the organizational infrastructure. $54.95 $33.38

Provide funding for emergencies at the national, state, or local levels.

$1.68 $1.02

Above shows how NEA dues ($200; $121.50 ESP) are allocated.